Wednesday, 3 October 2012

Camera Movements

Tilt up/Tilt down- Tilt up is when the camera is on a tripod and is moved upwards, this can create the effect of someone being taller. Tilt down does the same but is moved downwards, this can create the effect of someone looking smaller or less important.

Dolly- The camera is fixed on tracks and moves forwards or backward to follow something without the camera shaking. 

Zoom- The lens of the camera is adjusted and allows us to go closer to the subject without moving the camera.

Tracking Shot- The camera is fixed to a track and travels left and right. 

Hand held- The camera has no support like a tripod and is simply held by the person videoing. This is often used in horror films.

Crane shot- The camera will be attached to a crane and will usually film in an upward or downward motion.

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